vineri, 15 iunie 2012

What is Gestational Diabetes? - Health

<p>Gestational Diabetes is a rare form of Diabetes that affects a small percentage of pregnant women. This can be a frightening experience for a mother-to-be when she first learns of her condition. The expectant mother's level of physical awareness is already at its' peak so when she later learns of her Gestational Diabetes condition, this make cause her significant anxiety. </p>

<p>How Is Gestational Diabetes Diagnosed?</p>

<p>Most OB/GYN doctors will require that the pregnant woman be tested for gestational diabetes at or around the 24th week of pregnancy. At this time there are a number of hormonal changes in the body which can bring about insulin resistance, especially the hormones that are produced by the placenta itself. At the same time, the fetus will have increased demands for insulin which brings up the total requirement to up to three times the normal quantity. If the insulin required is not available in the body or from external sources, the sugar remains in the blood. This is called as gestational diabetes.</p>

<p>Once gestational diabetes is diagnosed, the doctor will prescribe a strict regimen of general exercise and a moderated gestational diabetes diet plan which will help both the pregnant mother and the baby stay away from any dangers caused by the disease. When treated through moderation and close patient care, the pregnant mother and unborn child should not suffer ill effects.</p>

<p>The diet is one of the most important tools in fighting diabetes. It has been observed through a number of medical research studies that a well-designed and carefully prescribed gestational diabetes diet plan can be the key ingredient to successfully treating the disease. A mother-to-be will asked to pay strict attention to the type and quantity of carbohydrates she ingests. Along with general proteins, complex carbohydrates will be stressed over the simple type and foods lower on the glycemic index scale are considered the optimal choice for the gestational diabetes diet plan.</p>

<p>Besides following a balanced and carefully designed gestational diabetes diet plan the pregnant mother should try to break her daily food intake into more numerous smaller meals to give the pancreas sufficient time to break down the sugar in the blood before the next batch is sent. A pregnant woman will need a higher dose of glucose in the blood to nurture the growing baby and with moderated more frequent food ingestion, the pancreas is given sufficient time to break down the ingested sugar, calories, and fat.</p>

<p>Through continuous and simple blood sugar monitoring, regular exercise and a structured diet plan, an expectant mother should be able to lead a normal pregnancy. Paying particular attention to the foods she eats and keying on those that are low in the glycemic index will be the chief factors to success.

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