<p>The history of ADHD started when Sir Alexander Crichton described it as a mental restlessness during the year 1798 in his book. The term used for the ADHD symptoms has gone through several changes. The term ADHD is objectionable to many people. Some use ADHD-I, ADD and AADD when they describe those who lack hyperactivity and mostly among adults and older adolescents.</p>
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<p>During the eighteenth century, Sir Alexander Crichton explained it in his book as the incapacity of having attention with a constant degree to an object. It arose from morbid sensibility of the nerves. It is maybe an inborn or an effect of accidental disease. He observed that there are people who have this kind of condition seem to have restlessness. They are those who walk up and down the room, moves a table excitedly, etc. The observations of Crichton known as the Inattention subtype of ADHD included attentional problems, early onset, restlessness and how it can affect going to school. He was ahead of his own time because he was able to study and observe the ADHD.</p>
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<p>In the 20th century, the father of British pediatrics, Sir George Frederick Still did not use the current terminology for this kind of condition. He was able to described 43 children who have problems with self-regulation and attention. They were often aggressive, insolent and resistant to discipline.</p>
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<p>He was able to write about the ADHD that "there is a defect of moral consciousness by which it can never be counted as the fault of the environment." According to him, there is a biological tendency to the kind of behavior that the child shows. It is maybe a hereditary condition. He was able to observe a 6-year old boy who kept his attention to a game for more than a short time. This boy was diffident to school attainments but he appeared to be very intelligent just like any other child.</p>
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<p>The terms ADD and ADHD are two different things. They do not have the same syndrome that has different variation. During the mid-20th century, the clinical definition of ADHD was known but by other names. Many doctors such as physicians develop a diagnosis for a group of conditions that referred to as minimal brain dysfunction, minimal brain damage, minimal brain disorder, hyperactivity, and learning/ behavioral disabilities.</p>
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<p>This has become a problem since they have expanded through the years. Let's take the example: there are those children who have no brain damage but in the syndrome, it indicated brain damage. It seemed not appropriate.</p>
<p>In the year 1968, the DSM-II called it "Hyperkinetic Reaction of Childhood". But many professionals were aware about some children who do not have hyperactivity. So during the year 1980, it was called ADD (Attention- Deficit Disorder) with or without the hyperactivity syndrome. But during the year 1987, ADHD was introduced. It has three sub-types such as the one who includes the hyperactivity component and the one has none.</p>
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