duminică, 7 octombrie 2012

For Those Who Want to Know More About Home Plumbing - Home - Home Repair

<p>One of the things that are often taken for granted is the plumbing system which only often gets notice when something is already wrong. Many are unaware that plumbing system has a history which can be traced from centuries ago. In the course of history, plumbing has been a political issue and a common topic for many scientific researches. In most developing nations, it has been a political issue as inadequacy in plumbing system has always been questioned. </p>

<p>The origin of the term plumbing started from the Latin word plumbum which literally means lead. This is because many pipes before and today are commonly made from lead. Plumbing officially refers to a system which involves various valves and pipes which enables bringing gas and water and takes away waste. The system is attached to a sewer system, but the two are considered to be separate entities. </p>

<p>Before, people only use outhouses rather than plumbing system, and this is the reason why many people perceive that plumbing is a concept which emerged only recently. However, it must be noted that according to many historians, the first flushing toilet was invented 2800 years ago by King Minos of Crete. Moreover, since 200 B. C., it is noted that toilets are already used as they are discovered in the tombs of several Chinese royalty. </p>

<p>The Romans have developed better systems for plumbing which included the use of a sewage system. In the Middle Ages, however, people used chamber pots and the waste contained therein are carelessly thrown from the windows to the streets and even resulted into contamination and disease. During the Plague, chamber pots are assumed by many historians to have been a major cause of many recorded deaths. </p>

<p>In 1775, plumbing change because Alexander Cummings was issued the patent for the flushing toilet and in which people have realized the significance of sanitation which paved way for more advances in plumbing systems. </p>

<p>During the early 1990s, indoor plumbing has been common for many households and in 1910, the toilet that we know today has been introduced. Modifications were made to improve the system such as reduction of sound, saving the water used, and improving the over-all physical look. Today, most piping is made from plastic rather from lead which has been the traditional material. </p>

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